Anna Hakobyan, the wife of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, editor-in-chief of the “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily newspaper, participated in the 16th Eurasian Media Forum in Almaty on May 24 at the invitation of the Speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Dariga Nazarbayeva, which is entitled “Deglobalization: New World Landscape”. The forum “Crisis of confidence: During the discussion titled “alignment of global forces”, Ms. Hakobyan touched upon the issue of wars and military operations in many parts of the world, stressing that it is necessary to overcome centuries of mistrust towards each other. During the discussion on the issue “Trust crisis: Reordering of global powers” in the sidelines of the forum, Mrs. Hakobyan touched upon the issue of wars and military operations in many parts of the world, stressing that it is necessary to overcome centuries of mistrust towards each other.
“There is no lack of mistrust in the world today, do we have a trust crisis in the global political arena? Nowadays, relations between states are built on mistrust rather than on trust. If, for example, the relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran was based on trust, we would not be facing the danger of a new, destructive war today. If there is a little more trust in the relations between the Russian Federation and the United States, not only the citizens and peoples of these two countries will benefit, but also dozens, if not hundreds, of countries and peoples in the world, we would not have new hotbeds of war, and we would successfully extinguish the already existing hotbeds, such as in Syria”, Anna Hakobyan said, adding that in the existing situation the best solution would be confidence building between states and societies.
To the question of the moderator of the forum, the news anchor and executive producer of the British CGTN TV station Stephen Cole how she sees the confidence building, Anna Hakobyan mentioned as an example the “Women for Peace” campaign she initiated, within the framework of which she is trying to raise the voice of women and achieve peace in Artsakh.
“This is an initiative that, let me say, can become the first seed of confidence restoration in our region. What do we say within the framework of this initiative? We say as women and mothers, we call on all parties involved in the Karabakh conflict, and mediating countries, never and never to allow the resumption of hostilities, and not to endanger the lives of young Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers. We call on all women, influential and reputable women, ladies of heads of states to join this initiative, thanks to which it will be stronger and more powerful,” said Anna Hakobyan.
In response to the observation of the Azerbaijani delegate present at the discussion that Anna Hakobyan is talking about peace with the “Women for Peace” campaign, while her son is serving on the border of Artsakh, and Prime Minister Pashinyan is dancing in Artsakh, Anna Hakobyan stated that the war in Artsakh is not over, the conflict continues.
“Yes, the war in Artsakh has not ended and that is the reason why today my son is serving in Artsakh, on the border. However, I am here to spread peace”, concluded Anna Hakobyan.